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We are very sorry to announce the death of Hallaig (Cusidh Coille Hallaig). Hallaig would have been 10 years old in June and was very much loved. He died at home on 22nd March 2012.

Cusidh Coille Hallaig

Crufts BOB and RBOB in 2010

Hallaig Lure Coursing at Lodge Park - photo J&B Poole and Hallaig's family Ch Greyfiars Gille of Beardswood and Ch Drawing Down the Moon to Cusidh at Crufts 2010 - photo Chris Johnson

From siring two litters with Misty Lee, Hallaig had been Dog World's Top Deerhound Stud Dog in 2009. His CC winning progeny are Banrigh (Ch Drawing Down the Moon to Cusidh) and Gille (Ch Greyfiars Gillie of Beardswood, owned by Sarah and Heather Helps). Their wins include winning the dog and bitch CC tickets at Crufts in 2010 and 2011 under judges (David Murray and Zola Rawson). Hallaig wasn't shown that much as an adult as we didn't have room to transport both him and his daughters to shows but he did win Best Puppy under the late Terry Thorn in 2003 and enjoyed going back into the ring in 2010 as a veteran. Hallaig will be very much missed as he was just a lovely and easy going dog.

Hallaig's sister Eva (Cusidh Dain Do Eimhir) also sadly died aged nine. She suffered a leg injury whilst running which prevented her being shown. She was a particularly loving dog and the Craigend House won't be the same without this great pair.

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